Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10, 2010

Some of our new dogs to consider...  Stories next week!!
Rudy is a sweet JRT mix.  Loves kids, snuggle time and PLAY TIME!!  Neutered, UTD, Housetrained.  Needs a home very quickly!!
Lucy is a Boxer/German Shephard mix.  Spayed, UTD, Houstrained, loves kids - a great dog!!  GORGEOUS!!!
Mogli and Penny are 11 week old Lab/Husky mix pups!!!  They are playful and very sweet.  Penny was born with out one of her eyes, but it doesn't seem to affect her at all! 
Bobby and David are German Shepard mixes.  They are both at a high kill shelter and need to have a chance at the sweet life.  They are both great dogs!  David is 1 year old and Bobby is 7 months old.
And let's not forget...
Please meet precious Roscoe – the one year old shepherd mix.  Roscoe was pulled from a high kill shelter in central Indiana.  The shelter LOVED this dog – and they called ODTR asking for help.  When a shelter calls a rescue – you know it is bad.  When you look into Roscoe’s sweet eyes – you know will know why ODTR could not let him die.  I can’t help but believe that Roscoe KNEW what a home was for a short time in his young life – because Roscoe is neutered, housetrained, crate trained – heartworm NEGATIVE!!  J  But in some twist of fate, he found himself homeless and loveless and in line to die because of it.   Now that ODTR has gotten our hands on this gorgeous boy,  he is safe and starting to remember life is very, very good.  His foster momma says this is one fun guy!  He wants to be a lap dog, but at 65 lbs… it’s difficult.  He manages it though – his pudding brown eyes melts hearts – and you can’t do anything but make room.  Can YOU make room for this gorgeous boy?  He would love you forever!!
Oscar is a GORGEOUS 2 years old full blooded dachshund.  He is neutered, housebroken (he barks when he needs to go out)and he responds to "go poo", he is a perfect companion to other dogs and cats too. He does plays a little rough with youngsters, so should not be placed with young children.  Oscar is crate trained and will come to his new home with his favorite crate.  ODTR is committed to finding Oscar the 30 lb Weiner dog a GREAT home!!  I wonder if that home could be YOURS?!!?  J  He would make a great stocking stuffer… if you have a really big stocking! 
Placed this week!  Chevy the 7 year old chocolate lab, Betsy 10 year old chocolate lab, Barney 2 year old britney/beagle mix, Diamond 1 year old Staffordshire Terrier, Jacob the 8 week old Shih tzu/Australian Shepherd mix
Adoption Pending - Winston the schnauzer, Daisy/Jessica the American Pit Bull Terrier
Please keep this in mind:  We will be offering a great spay/neuter offer in the next few weeks!!!  Those of you in or around Warsaw, IN please stay posted... this is a great deal that you won't be able to pass up!  And those of you that want to DONATE to pay for a sweet dog's neuter/spay (for owners that are struggling for money and might not be able to get their dog "fixed".  We need to help these pet owners out - no more puppies and no more precious family pets taken to an animal shelter for lack of money for spay/neuter) - we will be accepting checks/money orders!  I will give you more information next week!  This is a GREAT opporutnity for our community to do a REALLY GREAT (and really  needed) work!!!
Don’t forget, you can always view our dog lists on,, (do not add the www), and

Have a great weekend!!!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 03, 2010


Winston's Story
WINSTON is still in a kill shelter in Indiana. Please consider this little guy. He is a big tough mini Schnauzer – that is full of mushy love. I have a dog like Winston, she thinks she is “all that AND a bag of chips”!!.  Winston is just like that. He is full of character. I just love dogs like this! They keep you laughing – and then look at you like you have gone nuts! There is not one thing wrong with this guy (other than needing a good grooming!) – and I cannot bear to think of him spending much more time in the shelter.The staff at the shelter have promised to keep Winston safe for me for as long as they can. But a shelter is no place for a 2 year old ladies man to live. If you have a house that needs some character – who doesn’t?!? – then please consider Sir Winston!! I cannot pull Winston from the animal shelter until we get a FOSTER HOME for him. Can anyone open their hearts and home at Christmas to a little misfit like Winston?  He will spend the rest of his life loving and protecting you – he will be your loyal and steadfast friend. Give him a chance… He is neutered, housebroken, UTD on shots… he’s the perfect mini package (don’t tell him I said that!!)!

Toby's Story

TOBY's family have decided to keep Toby a while longer. I am real happy for the little guy. His story has touched many hearts – and I thank you for your outpouring of love and offers to help him. He is safe for now.  Let’s just hope his family realizes what a precious gift Toby is – and falls BACK in love with him. If anything changes, you know I will let you in on it!!!

Remember our Mastiff brother and sister duo (Atticus and Lilly)?  They have gone to Midwest Mastiff Rescue!!  We determined that a mastiff rescue would know SO much more about their breed specific needs than we ever would.  We wanted these two very very sweet kids to finally get everything they deserve.  And they are!!  They are living in a mastiff home with plenty of space and love to spare!!  We are so happy for these two kids.  One of our favorite fosters and volunteers (Hi Nina!) drove these babies south of Indianapolis to get them to a safe place.  They are happy and safe (and have full tummies)!!

Bart's Story
BART, our precious Black Bart FINALLY got his turn!!  He is living the life of FUN and FROLIC with his new family.  Every one of us at ODTR shed a tear when he left us (my eyes are leaking a little right now!), we all loved him very much.  But THIS was the goal – and we did everything in our power to get him to his own perfect life.  And… happily – he is there!!!

We also placed our three Italian Greyhounds in breed specific rescue.  I know we could have found really good homes for them – but in the end, their own special needs (and there are many) weighed heavily on our groups heart.  We knew the best place for these sweet puppies was with Indiana Italian Greyhound Rescue.  We have not regretted our decision for a moment.  IG Rescue has kept us updated on their lives – and they are good ones!!  Our sweet Mia, Emma, and Maximo are living the life that an IG should live. 

Sweet little Angel, the 8.5  year old fox terrier touched MANY lives.  Her companion died unexpectedly – and no one wanted this sweet gal.  She had some medical issues (seizures) but other than that – there was nothing wrong with her.  She was living OUTDOORS (she was only 9 lbs when we took her in) in this horrible cold weather!!  I was very worried about her.  But within HOURS of sending out a PLEA for her… we got an email “I WILL TAKE HER!!” – and nothing warms my heart more than to see a fragile, unloved, lost soul like Angel get the dream of a lifetime.  A SECOND CHANCE!!!  Well this girl has been fully vetted, she is back on her meds, living in a WARM home, eating good food… and she has found her PERFECT HOME!!!!  What a great success story!

Sandy (the Wheaton mix that looked like little orphan ANNIE’s dog), Nola (the 4 lb Chihuahua guard dog), Rusty (our resident bait dog), Bruno (HIGH kill shelter – rescued hours away from death), Snuggle butt (sweetest slober box of a bull mastiff I have ever met!), Ollie (sweet little puggle), Sugar & Ivory (the white boxers! We lovingly called them the poopers… because they COULD (and did… often)!), and precious little Jake (german shepherd mix – love that gentle, shy boy!) …have all found perfect forever homes.  I love going back and looking at their pictures… what great dogs they all are!!  With your help, we have placed 50+dogs in 6 months.  And to think they were all in jeopardy of being KILLED because no one loved them.  Well… we fixed THAT!  

ODTR doesn’t ask each of you to adopt one of our dogs – although we think you should!  - we only ask you to forward our emails to your contact lists – or to people you know that are looking for the perfect furry companion!  We can’t do anything without your help!  Each of the dogs you read about today (and in the past 6 months) would have been dead today.  But instead they are couch potato’s, pet companions, traveling companions, bed warmers, foot toasters, snuggle bugs, burgler alarms, 5AM alarm clock (sigh…), children’s dream protectors (no more scary monsters under the bed!!), best friends…   Because you took the time to hit “forward” on your computer.  We cannot thank you enough!
Does anyone know of a family that LOVES mini Schnauzers?  We need schnauzer fosters BADLY! 
We have a new dog crew coming in this weekend and throughout next week.  Please check out our websites:  
we try our best to keep them up to date!  We will be asking for help!
Our newest members of the ODTR family are Jessica, Diamond, Barney, and Rosco. 
PLEASE FOSTER WINSTON!!!!!!!!!!  (didn't want you to forget him! I know that I won't)
Have a great weekend!